I Make MN Dance
Trade Offs
Role: concept, facilitator and organizer
An occasional, opportunistic pop-up gathering with local dance artists and visiting choreographers:
Joanna Kotze (Sewell Ballet), Sam Kim (Zenon Dance), Brian Brooks (Northrop), Trevor Carlson (The Cowles Center), Ann Carlson (Children’s Theatre Company), and Luis Garay (Walker Art Center).

Monday Night Grant Writing Circle
Role: co-facilitator and organizer
Initiated alongside choreographer Sam Johnson, these strategic monthly meetings increased grant applications in dance and hosted artist-led conversations with funders/agencies such as MAP Fund, National Dance Project, MRAC, MSAB, Springboard for the Arts, and Minnesota Citizens for the Arts

Artist Studio Residencies
Role: community partner
Morgan Thorson – Still Life, Weisman Art Center (2015)
Pavel Zuštiak – Custodians of Beauty, Walker Art Center (2015)
Future Interstates – dance improvisation performance curated & hosted by HIJACK + BodyCartography Project (2015-2017)